We offer an effective Website Upgrade service
In association with our partners we can offer you a range of new website creation tools as well as website upgrade options.
1. General Website Development Services : Online Website Creation Tools
2. Website Development Services : Website Creation Services
3. Website Upgrade Service : Upgrading an Existing Website to a new Next Generation Website
We offer a website upgrade service whereby we can take your existing website and upgrade it by building one of the top website control platforms behind it, like word-press or Joomla. There are many benefits to upgrading to these next generation of websites, including each one comes with an extensive range of features inc:

1: Content Management System ( CMS )
A web based CMS ( Content Management System ) will enable you
and non technical members of your staff update your websites content,
more frequent updates will bring immediate benefits.
2: Is accessible to all the new devices out there
Its s important to have a website that is compatible with an ever increasing range of portable devices
your customers are using to access the internet today. We also provide responsive websites
built on the top platforms like word press.
3: Can integrate with all of the top social media channels.
A website that can integrate with Social Media will provide an advantage.
Our websites allow you publish your content automatically via social media
as well as your visitors share your content via their preferred Social media
4: Search engine optimised
Our next generation websites have structures that are search engine friendly,
with sitemaps that update themselves automatically when you
complete updates to ensure frequent indexing by the search engines.
5: Allows your customers share your content
Allowing your visitors collaborate and share your offers via their preferred social media channels;
this is particularly important as more and more people are using social media
as part of their purchasing decision. Also the search engines have begun to place more
importance and relevance to social media activity. So allowing your customers to share
your information and offers with their peers direct from your website will have a beneficial effect.
Our next generation websites have these important features.
6: Has a range of applications available to extend its functionalities
Because our websites are built on top of the best platforms like WordPress; they have a plethora
of Free plugins/applications available to extend their functionality.
In Short:
To summarise everything , you need a website that you or your immediate staff can control
content wise, is accessible to everyone no matter what device they are using to connect to the internet, its also compatible with all of the latest social media channels, allows your customers
share your offers, can notify the search engines automatically each time you update it,
is extendable and can grow as your business grows.
Let us help you find that perfect Website Solution for your Business
The TIB Team