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Great Business communication Apps for your iPhone & iPad

Communications apps for your Apps for your iPhone & iPad iphone

Effective business communications is very important
for business today, With the massive growth in
use of mobile internet,  business activity is
now more mobile and shifting away from the
traditional fixed office so having the
best communication applications is very important.

Apples IPad and IPhone
Apple has a large range of devices in this area
like the IPhone and the IPad so we have a list
of the best communications applications for you.

Our list of communication Apps for your IPhone & IPad
Here is the list in no particular order.

CampFire: – No matter how long or complex your chat is,
CampFire keeps a record of the entire conversation. This is very
effective communication tool to keep a track of brainstorming sessions.

Bump: – If you and your business partner have bump installed, you
can easily transfer data to one another by simply using this App.

Yammer: – Yammer facilitate company collaboration, file sharing, knowledge
exchange and team efficiency. You can access Yammer from
anywhere so long as you have an internet connection.

Brewster: – This is one of the visually appealing Apps for your iphone.
It helps you to remember people by their faces.

Fring – Video Calls + IM: – This App provides messenger access to Google Talk,
Face book, Yahoo, MSN Messenger, Twitter. Be it 3G or Wi-Fi, this App allows
for free video calls to any other type of cellular phone.

Gmail: If you want to manage multiple emails efficiently, this is the App worth looking.
This App facilitates search of your entire email so much easier and faster than the already installed Mail app.

TeamBox:With TeamBox, you can have your teams collaborate on complex projects.
It comes with instant messaging, file sharing and other valuable functionalities,
that will help you in flourishing your business.

Google Voice: This is a great addition to the iPhone nowadays.
This user friendly App provides facilities such as screen calling, free
text messaging and gives you a free voice-mail system as well.

Skype: – Skype is free communication tool for iPhone.
You can make video call and chat with other Skype members for free.

TextPlus:- With TextPlus, you may send images, form group chats and even use this
App when out of the country, so as long as you’re on Wi-Fi it will remain free and
you will get lots of good features.

CodeBase: – Codebase is basically for Coders. It is a combination of Chat and
other collaborative tools so that multiple team members can
simultaneously work on the same program.

We hope you find these applications of value
Thanks the TIB Team


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