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An introduction to Google’s Safe Browsing Service

An introduction to Google’s Safe Browsing Service

In recent weeks some well know websites have Google-Safe-Browsing
been Blacklisted by Google for containing
malware, These included websites
such as The Washington PostThe Guardian,
as well as  YouTube which is owned by Google itself.

Googles Safe Browsing Service

This is because google has a Safe Browsing Service
designed to protect their users from what they
term as harmful websites.

Google SBS  blacklists approx 9,500 websites every day.
This is to protect google users from so-called “drive-by downloads”
this is when a user’s computer or device gets infected by
malware by simply visiting an infected website.

Any website flagged by this service as containing malicious code or malware is
immediately highlighted by google to its users via their browser with a red page
warning them not to click through to the infected website.

Here is the warning screen google chrome presents its users with for
any websites flagged by its Safe Browsing Service.


Damage a website malware infection can cause Business

This can cause damage to the business in a number of ways.

This can cause a dramatic reduction in visitor traffic to the flagged
website with some business owners reporting a 40% drop in visitor traffic
as a direct result of SBS blacklisting.

This drop off in visitor traffic can then translate into
financial loss due to lost business during the time customers
are being redirected elsewhere.
Also in terms of the damage done to the reputation of the business
as 90% of the malware is distributed by legitimate websites without
their owner’s knowledge.

Also hackers tend to target small websites with low traffic,
as this allows them to avoid detection for longer
so that they can cause more damage.

Did you know that even though your office devices may be protected
by anti-virus Software that security will not necessarily also extend
to your Business website also most hosting companies don’t
provide anti malware scanning services.

scan packs

Secure your Business website today from website Malware
Prevention is always better than cure, by preventing infection you
avoid all the negative aspects of dealing with an infection and the
associated consequences and damage to your online Business.

Employ a real-time Anti-Malware Website Scanning service –
This service scans your website constantly and notifies you instantly
once infection is detected; our team is on hand to guide you
through the removal process.

Plans start from online $9.95 per month, see our plans here

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